Thursday, January 10, 2013

An unexpected hiatus

As if packing weren't stressful enough, my internet provider has canceled my service, days before they were supposed to, and they now say they can do nothing about it.  I feel ridiculously bereft and uneasily aware of how addicted I've become to checking blog updates and Twitter feeds regularly.

I also have less distraction from the actual packing now, which is probably for the best.  I have to pack those books sometime.



  1. Oh, packing, what a JOY that is! And when I unpacked my books this summer, they seemed to have grown a bookshelf's worth. Good luck with your move!

  2. The Bears and I have our paws crossed for you. We hate moving and hope we will never have to do it again. Good Luck

  3. The Bears and I have our paws crossed for you. We hate moving and hope we will never have to do it again. Good Luck

  4. Audrey, on the other hand, books really help me clarify whether I want to keep certain books - and quite a few have made their way to the library sales.

    Alex, I appreciate the crossed paws :) It's been six years since my last move, just long enough to accumulate too much.

  5. Vicki, I keep telling myself, one more week & all the moving will be over. I wish I could tell the poor cats, who are so confused & stressed. They don't like boxes, or things being out of their usual place any more than I do.

  6. Lisa May, I know what you mean. I have been on a restricted data cap for 3 weeks or so while being away from my lovely big connection at home ... I felt very out of touch. I could only do the very basics... Good luck with your move.

  7. Oh, awful! We are all so dependent on the internet... hope all goes well, and quickly :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thank heavens for our county libraries and their lovely I can briefly connect again. Thank you also Carole & Simon for your comments & good wishes! the packing of books goes so slowly when one keeps stopping to re-read favorite bits... but it will get done.

  10. Good luck with the move! I hope your cats settle down soon and love their new place. My cat hates packing and moving too.

  11. Thank you, elizabeth! I've been saying that the cats are such creatures of habit, hate having their routines disturbed and so on - and then I realized that applies just as much to me!

  12. I hope the packing was successful and that you are unpacked again soon :-)


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