Sunday, February 15, 2015

The lure of re-reading & the end of the TBR Dare for me

I should have known better. I jinxed myself - saying that the TBR Dare was going well.  And here I am, giving up on it exactly half-way through.  Not because I want to read new books, but because I want to re-read. Specifically, Dorothy Dunnett's House of Niccolò series.  I technically gave myself an exemption to re-read one book each month, but I've finished the first in the series, Niccolò Rising, and I'm not waiting two weeks for March, to start the second, The Spring of the Ram.  As James always says, the Dare is just for fun, and it should be fun - though I tend to get a bit competitive about it.

I know exactly how this happened.  It's all Toby Wilkinson's fault.  Reading the chapters on Cairo in his book The Nile reminded me of the fifth Nicholas book, The Unicorn Hunt, crucial scenes of which take place in Cairo.  I took that book down to re-read those parts, and then ended up looking for other favorites in the different books.  And I haven't been able to get the characters out of my mind since.

I thought about giving up the TBR Dare for Lent, but that definitely felt like cheating.  I'm still going to focus on reducing the TBR stacks, and I'm sticking with my "one in/one out" policy.  In the meantime, I am off to Trebizond.


  1. Definitely a situation where making the effort is just as good as winning the dare, in my non-participating opinion. :)

    1. I will miss the bragging rights come April 1st, but I'll console myself with books I really want to read :)

  2. I just read The Towers of Trebizond -- interesting book. I think the whole point of challenges like this is to motivate you to get to books you really want to read. Sometimes it's good to have some limits so you are pushed to read the ones on your TBR pile, but if that's not where your heart is, go elsewhere!

    1. The Towers of Trebizond reminded me very much of The Spring of the Ram - I think Dorothy Dunnett must have read it!

  3. You lasted longer than I did ;-)

    1. Yes, but you wisely only signed up for January :)

  4. I can understand how the lure of Dunnett could distract you from the TBR dare! I'm looking forward to re-reading Niccolo myself - there were so many little things I missed or didn't understand the first time. Enjoy your trip to Trebizond! :)

    1. It's been almost ten years since I've read these, and I've forgotten so many of the wonderful details. I'm already looking forward to Race of Scorpions :)

  5. Well done for lasting as long as you did. I was happy with the six weeks I managed and certainly wouldn't want any longer. Enjoy DD.

    1. I've managed the whole three months before, but DD is just irresistible this time :) Technically I am still reading from my own shelves, but I don't think James will give me a pass.

  6. The idea of giving up the TBR Dare for Lent made me smile. A bit too convenient! I understand completely the lure of rereading, and some temptations are worth giving in to.

    I do like the one in/one out rule. Maybe I should consider that myself!

    I've just put Niccolò Rising on my wish list--sounds like a series I would like.

    Happy reading.

  7. Maybe I should give up book stores for Lent. If you haven't read Dorothy Dunnett before, Jane, you are in for a treat!


Thank you for taking the time to read, and to comment. I always enjoy hearing different points of view about the books I am reading, even if we disagree!