Monday, March 4, 2019

Sir Roderick Glossop

I really enjoyed the first book in this series, The Frangipani Tree Mystery, and I've been looking forward to this second. It starts off in the wake of the Abdication, with a high-profile wedding in Singapore between an American widow and her upper-class English fiancé. Chief Inspector Le Froy, Su Lin's boss at the new Detective and Intelligence Unit, has been asked to provide security for the Glossop-Covington wedding. That's in part because he is an old friend of the groom's father, Sir Roderick Glossop. I almost dropped the book when I read that.

Sir Roderick Glossop is of course a recurring character - and frequent antagonist - in some of my favorite P.G. Wodehouse novels, including Uncle Fred in the Springtime. He has two children in those books, neither of whom apparently went out to Singapore.

Now in addition to watching the mystery play out, I'll be on the loookout for more PGW connections. And I see there is a third book coming out in June, at least in the UK, The Paper Bark Tree Mystery.


  1. I had the first book in the series out from the library but couldn't get to it in time...I'll reserve it again. And I'm not sure I would have recognized Sir Reginald's name but when I saw the title of your post I guessed correctly! I love connections like this.

    1. I also love the reminders that authors are also readers, especially when they're fellow fans of a favorite author!

  2. I love how all these books have a flower or tree in the title. What I love even more? That my library actually has copies of both these books. :)

    1. Oh I know, it's so frustrating to read a post about a great book and then not be able to get hold of it!

  3. Oh my gosh, how fun! I read the first in this series (probably on your recommendation) and I'm excited to continue with it.

    1. And I just read In the Vanishers' Palace on yours!

  4. I see that Fife Libraries have The Frangipani Tree Mystery so I've just reserved it. These books sound like exactly what I want to read at the moment. Thanks.

    1. The ending was surprisingly bloody, but I did enjoy Su Lin's adventures.


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