Monday, June 10, 2024

More of a reading/books diary? Also, new books

I read a recommendation for a book, The Imposter Heiress by Annie Reed, and I had that "I need to read this" feeling that has led to the TBR stacks. That didn't stop me from ordering a copy (since it comes out tomorrow, I couldn't find a copy to request through interlibrary loan). 

I was excited to learn that Ovidia Yu has released a new book in the "Mystery Tree" series, The Angsana Tree Mystery, though the print copy doesn't come out until September. I have really enjoyed this series, but I have to admit, I'm glad that the latest book takes place after the end of World War II. I recently read Hawker Dreams, by Oanh Ngo Usadi, a memoir of her family relocating to Singapore from the US for three years, for her husband's work. Singapore is one of the places I hope to visit one day, in no small part thanks to Ovidia Yu.

One of my favorite books of last year, To Shape a Dragon's Breath, by Moniquill Blackgoose, won a Nebula award last night. I am so happy to see that. It is an amazing book, an alt-history where America was colonized by Scandinavians rather than the British, but the Native American population suffered just as much - as did their dragons. 15-year-old Anequs finds a dragon’s egg and bonds with its hatchling, only to be forced into an academy for dragon companions, where as a Native American women she is most unwelcome. I have high hopes for a sequel. Probably not coincidentally, I am currently reading The Penguin Book of Dragons.

Just read off the TBR stacks: My Fair Concubine, by Jeannie Lin. A version of My Fair Lady, set in China's Tang dynasty. It has a really vivid sense of place, and I loved Yang Lin, the foundling from a tea house who is recruited for a diplomatic marriage (to replace the hero's sister, who eloped to avoid the marriage).


  1. Glad I caught your post! I haven't seen you around the blogging world for so long...I've missed reading your reviews. Hope life is treating you well and that you have an excellent summer with lots of good reads. :D

    1. That is so kind, thank you! I am still reading blogs, including yours of course, but I am having trouble commenting for some reason. I don't know if it's my computer or my phone - some days it seems to be both.

    2. And it could be Blogger's fault; my comments get sent to spam all the time...on my own blog. It's very frustrating.

    3. Wordpress is also a problem for me, it keeps asking me to sign in and then says it doesn't recognize me.


Thank you for taking the time to read, and to comment. I always enjoy hearing different points of view about the books I am reading, even if we disagree!